Friday, March 2, 2012

give an idiot a microphone...

Why is Rush Limbaugh still alive and on the radio?

The scandal currently swirling around this black hole of venom, is that he called a law student a slut and a prostitute.
Simply because; she argued on the Hill, that birth control/contraception should be free. That Health insurance should provide for this needed medicine.

The whole argument of religious freedom, health care and women's issues has gotten snarled up into the political machine, and the group that should have the majority say on the debate, are being ignored!
(see my 2nd. blog to know my thoughts)
How does one rationalize a person's morals and character trait; because Sandra Flukes, feels that health care should provide assistance in gaining access to birth control, a reason to call her a slut or prostitute?

He then ended his dirty rant with, if all the Georgetown Femnazi want him to pay for their birth control, they should provide sex tapes!


This disgusting pig ( an insult to pigs--mind you!), should be taken out and shot in his melon.

So Rush, you like porn?  
Your a Viagra taking, impotent braying dumb jackass who feels that he has a say on the matter of women's health. Your mother probably wishes she kept an aspirin between her knees or at least died in child birth!

What street cred you assumed you had was lost, when it turns out you were addicted to Oxycontin and whatever other drug you shovelled into your pie hole! 
You sick dumb twist of useless flesh and bone!

Why  do people listen to this juggernaut? It would seem that all he does is instigate and fuel matters that have simple situations.
Matters that don't concern him or pertain to him.

Once the political scene "calms the FUCK down" 2012 will be a grand year!
If it continues to slide into the eternal  toilet, then that Mayan Calendar prediction ain't such a bad thing ;>

side note: though the Catholic/ Jesuit institution did not agree with Ms. Fluke, they recognized her right to express it and fight for it.

1 comment:

  1. You've been keeping a secret!!!!! Congrats on taking the plunge :)
