Monday, March 26, 2012

just do it.

It has been a struggle producing pages to read or write. I had to decide if I wanted this to be a journal/diary or my general observation of my environment. Well, I heard the most delightful quote the other day. It was on my absolute Favorite prime time TV show.

It goes as followed (quote: Better to write for yourself and have no public, then to write for the Public and have no self. end quote) Isn't that just delicious? It is a nutshell of how I have felt for so long. Now granted, my actual journal pages are more mean and to the point, but I have several rants and rails in this blog. The title; in itself, speaks to my mindset on how I view the world currently.

There is so much going on today, that it consumes yesterday and over runs tomorrow. It like a mad rush going no where fast.
From Kony, to religious freedom and health care. To Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman.

It would seem that we are purposely hurdling ourselves into the darkness, in this year of 2012. What, according to the Mayan calendar is the last breathe of mankind and the world as we know it.

Orwell gave us 1984, a two digit switch of 1948. Y2K, was suppose to leave us in utter chaotic darkness, and now this dark passage is upon us.

It is hard to focus on the Light in this world, when the Darkness is forever trying to consume you and make you lose sight of the Light. We are easily distracted by shiny empty baubles. Man made baubles mind you. Items that aren't built to last, but plague us with that temporary fix attitude. Let the future deal with it. Let us live for the now.

I personally would like to learn to live for tomorrow. To be packed and ready for that great, grand journey called  Eternity. Right now I feel like I am in a holding pattern, watching the TSA agent go through my stuff and then walk off with it.

1 comment:

  1. I am keeping up-to-date on this blog of yours. Wanted to let you know that I loved your piece in the bulletin insert this past weekend. Some of them have been a little lame and self-promoting, if you know what I mean, but you did a great job. Congrats :) as I know how much work it is to get your words down right.
