It would seem very little puts a smile on my face. I am a certified cynic. A pure pessimistic person.
You see the rainbow, I see the rain. You see a lovely garden, I see the dirt and manure that makes that garden.
I often wonder how I got this way.
It had to happened over time, because I do vaguely recall those wonderful years when I'd laughed my butt off at knock knock jokes.
When did I turn in my Joy Life card?
Was it when I turned 21, when I was legally able to have a beer?
Was it when I turned 18, when I was able to vote.
Or was it when I was 16, when I got my license to drive?
I believe I relinquished my Joy Life card when I decided to stop playing.
It just kinda went poof, when I ceased taking off the school uniform, put on my play clothes and go out and hoop and holla like a 4 yr. old at the park.
Waiting for school to be done, so that I could waste my summer away riding a bike, going to the zoo, staying out side until the streetlights came on and the moon came out.
Or eating Popsicles, because they were deliciously bad for you and the size of your head.
Yet, as I look out my window, I see the sun shining and there is a spring like breeze blowing. The earth has allowed the plants to sprout and poke their little heads out of the ground.
Yes, Spring is coming and the world is looking rosy.
I realize that I have been bless with yet another day above ground and I am glad for it.
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