Saturday, September 1, 2012


Have you ever had that moment when you felt like Charlie Brown and Lucy has pulled the football out from under you?
This isn't like that, no it is worse! 
You are probably wondering what I'm talking about now. 
Well, election season is fast approaching, and trying to make a good decision, I wanted to see what the other side was selling.
Did you know that GOP means Grand Old Party?
It should stand for  got outrageous pot, plot, plans and pranks!!
Just listening to these folks made me want to sedate myself.
It was a bad Barnum circus side show.
The lies, half truths and low down skulduggery that was committed would make Satan crap his knickers.

Then there was Clint Eastwood( former mayor of California) having a conversation with an empty chair. It was like ease dropping on his toilet habits, cuz Clint was passing a whole lotta manure!!

Oh what has the world come to when a robot and his ward want to become president and VP of the USA. I swear, Anne Romney uses an old skate key to wind up Mitt and Janna makes sure that Paul can tell his lies with a straight face.("Paul, women like to be raped, it's like a romance novel." "Ayn Rand uses it in her books"!)

Why does Paul Ryans' earnest faux face make me want to kick him in the testicles?
The man has to lie about his marathon time to make himself look impressive.
If he chooses to lie about that, why should I trust him with nuclear capabilities?
" Shucks!" "Did I do that?"
Yeah Butt munch-- you just nuked China!!

Really people, do we want these self promoting, self serving, ass backward...WOMAN HATING/HATING EVERYONE knuckleheads to pull us back to the 17 century?
Only to tell us it is for our own good to serve the 1%, because that is how God wanted it and it is in the Constitution.
Come on really..REALLY!!

So it goes and in the end, know your enemy and what he is saying. Because once these imbeciles take office, the only thing left to us hard workers is scorched earth policies. When that happens...we all lose.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

What does the Diocese lack?

Hello friend,

Recently we had a very spirited debate with the Chancellor of the Diocese in regards to the abandoned building that was once Saint Francis Xavier grade school.
In the first meeting, he and another gentleman came to discuss the possible dormitory that would be a Focus (an ultra conservative group of young Catholic Missionaries) headquarters .

When that conversation hit the wall, due to the fact that it met  overwhelming opposition, another meeting was scheduled. This meeting would include the architect who has built such a dorm in other cities.  
Well... at this second meeting, we were informed that many things would, could and may happen.

We were told of the great things that we could still do at 52nd and Troost, we were told that the dormitory idea was off the table.
At this meeting we; as parishioners and concerned neighbors, took the ring that was forced into our nostrils, called the messenger on his BS.
Oh the rain and hail of  duplicitous mendacity that fell that evening as the uninformed, unprepared and obtuse commentator tried to convince us," all was still good."

So you ask; what does this have to do with what the Diocese's lack? 
What they lack is Courage!
Courage to tell the truth, courage to admit when they are wrong and the ability to realize when they are on a Fool's errand.

The man who stood before us Wednesday night insulted us further blogging that we were unforgiving and vindictive.
That we only wanted to vent our spleen and rub his nose in his mistake.
That we wanted to only view him as a sinner and lying scoundrel and not as a saint.
I do believe in the statement he made when he said "we do not listen to one another or seek to truly understand what the other person is saying".

Why then Jude, do you not comprehend our mistrust, anger and frustration at the handling of the SFX school building. Why did you see fit to dress us down and treat us like knuckle scraping yokels that could easily be swayed at the pretty promises and strong arming techniques? The reason I believe that the Dioceses lacks  'COURAGE' is because "without it they cannot practice any other VIRTUE with consistency."  (Maya Angelou)


Thursday, May 17, 2012

starting over

Even though I have been slower than snail crap in producing interesting material for this blog. I have decided to go at it in a different manner. So starting Friday, May 18th, I will entertain ya'll with a story that I have been noodling in my head for awhile.
Lets hope that I will be a success.

I promised that today would be the day that I would begin a tale that I have been starving in my imagination room. I have to locate the blueprints for the story. Stay tune.

Monday, May 7, 2012

are you ready to Ruckus

This weekend I channeled my inner 6yr. old.
I went home to the LOO to play in the Run Ruckus games.
You ask what is the Run Ruckus?
It is an awesome way for adults to run around in the mud tackling obstacles.
There are mini ruckus, challenging ruckus and the Champion run.
2 miles, 4 miles and the big 8 miles.
You have to earn the 8 mile Champion course.
My sister and I ran the 4 mile course.
My sister finished ( ROCKSTAR)!
Her time 1 hr. 8 minutes and 10 seconds.
I crashed and burned at the 2 mile marker. 
My realistic 44 yr. old smacked me down. I wasn't hydrated enough.
It was hotter than blazes at 9 am on a Cinco De Mayo morning. I will admit I wasn't truly ready for the games, but I still had fun.
If you like pushing your limit, challenge your physical abilities and just have the most fun that you can ever have legally ... do a Run Ruckus.
Next one is in KCMO March 30-31.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

2012 Lent

As I approach the home stretch of this Lenten season. I am called to reflect what I gained and lost these 40 days and nights. This season, I refrained from alcohol and coffee.  Now, usually I square up and make a quad-fecta of it; 4 things, but this year I just gave up two. It was easy peasy. I found that, I just had to dump a certain friend for a month and 10 days. He was not at all happy that he had to forfeit his drinking buddy. I explained it was for Jesus and that it was only 40 days.  Yeah for me, I have no addictive behaviors!
The coffee restraint was difficult. It is a habit I have had since the cradle... literally.
True story! During a 3 am feeding, my mother got all mixed up. She got a nice cup of formula, I got a good bottle of coffee. She realized her mistake when I burped up coffee and I have been wired ever since.
I got the cream and sugar habit from my father,so ever since I could sit in my high chair, I would always steal Mr. Jackson's coffee after he had doctored it to his liking. I was swift. I was quick and I was stealthy. He finally got wise and moved the cup to where I could not reach it.
I really got the habit in the service.
I was a cook, so I was always up at zero dark thirty in the morning.
By 10 am; I swear, I was on my 5th 12 oz cup.

So you may ask, what did I gain and lose from these 40 days of insight into myself.  Let me tell you:
1. I really don't need alcohol to have a good time.
2. Tea taste just as good, but doesn't make you go to the bathroom as much.
Finally 3. I would never be daft enough to make these my New Year's Resolutions.
Come on, that would be ridiculous!

Monday, March 26, 2012

just do it.

It has been a struggle producing pages to read or write. I had to decide if I wanted this to be a journal/diary or my general observation of my environment. Well, I heard the most delightful quote the other day. It was on my absolute Favorite prime time TV show.

It goes as followed (quote: Better to write for yourself and have no public, then to write for the Public and have no self. end quote) Isn't that just delicious? It is a nutshell of how I have felt for so long. Now granted, my actual journal pages are more mean and to the point, but I have several rants and rails in this blog. The title; in itself, speaks to my mindset on how I view the world currently.

There is so much going on today, that it consumes yesterday and over runs tomorrow. It like a mad rush going no where fast.
From Kony, to religious freedom and health care. To Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman.

It would seem that we are purposely hurdling ourselves into the darkness, in this year of 2012. What, according to the Mayan calendar is the last breathe of mankind and the world as we know it.

Orwell gave us 1984, a two digit switch of 1948. Y2K, was suppose to leave us in utter chaotic darkness, and now this dark passage is upon us.

It is hard to focus on the Light in this world, when the Darkness is forever trying to consume you and make you lose sight of the Light. We are easily distracted by shiny empty baubles. Man made baubles mind you. Items that aren't built to last, but plague us with that temporary fix attitude. Let the future deal with it. Let us live for the now.

I personally would like to learn to live for tomorrow. To be packed and ready for that great, grand journey called  Eternity. Right now I feel like I am in a holding pattern, watching the TSA agent go through my stuff and then walk off with it.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Running throught the sprinklers

It would seem very little puts a smile on my face. I am a certified cynic. A pure pessimistic person.
You see the rainbow, I see the rain. You see a lovely garden, I see the dirt and manure that makes that garden.

I often wonder how I got this way.
It had to happened over time, because I do vaguely recall those wonderful years when I'd laughed my butt off at knock knock jokes.
When did I turn in my Joy Life card?

Was it when I turned 21, when I was legally able to have a  beer?
Was it when I turned 18, when I was able to vote.
Or was it when I was 16, when I got my license to drive?

I believe I relinquished my Joy Life card when I decided to stop playing.
It just kinda went poof, when I ceased taking off the school uniform, put on my play clothes and go out and hoop and holla like a 4 yr. old at the park.

Waiting for school to be done, so that I could waste my summer away riding a bike, going to the zoo, staying out side until the streetlights came on and the moon came out.
Or eating Popsicles, because they were deliciously bad for you and the size of your head.

Yet, as I look out my window, I see the sun shining and there is a spring like breeze blowing. The earth has allowed the plants to sprout and poke their little heads out of the ground.

Yes, Spring is coming and the world is looking rosy.
I realize that I have been bless with yet another day above ground and I am glad for it.