Tuesday, July 3, 2012

What does the Diocese lack?

Hello friend,

Recently we had a very spirited debate with the Chancellor of the Diocese in regards to the abandoned building that was once Saint Francis Xavier grade school.
In the first meeting, he and another gentleman came to discuss the possible dormitory that would be a Focus (an ultra conservative group of young Catholic Missionaries) headquarters .

When that conversation hit the wall, due to the fact that it met  overwhelming opposition, another meeting was scheduled. This meeting would include the architect who has built such a dorm in other cities.  
Well... at this second meeting, we were informed that many things would, could and may happen.

We were told of the great things that we could still do at 52nd and Troost, we were told that the dormitory idea was off the table.
At this meeting we; as parishioners and concerned neighbors, took the ring that was forced into our nostrils, called the messenger on his BS.
Oh the rain and hail of  duplicitous mendacity that fell that evening as the uninformed, unprepared and obtuse commentator tried to convince us," all was still good."

So you ask; what does this have to do with what the Diocese's lack? 
What they lack is Courage!
Courage to tell the truth, courage to admit when they are wrong and the ability to realize when they are on a Fool's errand.

The man who stood before us Wednesday night insulted us further blogging that we were unforgiving and vindictive.
That we only wanted to vent our spleen and rub his nose in his mistake.
That we wanted to only view him as a sinner and lying scoundrel and not as a saint.
I do believe in the statement he made when he said "we do not listen to one another or seek to truly understand what the other person is saying".

Why then Jude, do you not comprehend our mistrust, anger and frustration at the handling of the SFX school building. Why did you see fit to dress us down and treat us like knuckle scraping yokels that could easily be swayed at the pretty promises and strong arming techniques? The reason I believe that the Dioceses lacks  'COURAGE' is because "without it they cannot practice any other VIRTUE with consistency."  (Maya Angelou)


1 comment:

  1. Oh.....I'm sorry I missed this, but love your take on it. Isn't writing a grand exercise in purging????
