As I approach the home stretch of this Lenten season. I am called to reflect what I gained and lost these 40 days and nights. This season, I refrained from alcohol and coffee. Now, usually I square up and make a quad-fecta of it; 4 things, but this year I just gave up two. It was easy peasy. I found that, I just had to dump a certain friend for a month and 10 days. He was not at all happy that he had to forfeit his drinking buddy. I explained it was for Jesus and that it was only 40 days. Yeah for me, I have no addictive behaviors!
The coffee restraint was difficult. It is a habit I have had since the cradle... literally.
True story! During a 3 am feeding, my mother got all mixed up. She got a nice cup of formula, I got a good bottle of coffee. She realized her mistake when I burped up coffee and I have been wired ever since.
I got the cream and sugar habit from my father,so ever since I could sit in my high chair, I would always steal Mr. Jackson's coffee after he had doctored it to his liking. I was swift. I was quick and I was stealthy. He finally got wise and moved the cup to where I could not reach it.
I really got the habit in the service.
I was a cook, so I was always up at zero dark thirty in the morning.
By 10 am; I swear, I was on my 5th 12 oz cup.
So you may ask, what did I gain and lose from these 40 days of insight into myself. Let me tell you:
1. I really don't need alcohol to have a good time.
2. Tea taste just as good, but doesn't make you go to the bathroom as much.
Finally 3. I would never be daft enough to make these my New Year's Resolutions.
Come on, that would be ridiculous!