Then I get the question,"What makes you think you're going to Heaven?"
To which I respond," Why do you believe that we will be in the same area?"
Which brings me to the title of my blog.
The Endtimes Lemonade Stand is the refreshing last bastions before my foreverafter.
Do you ever have those days when you just want to tell your:Boss, Boyfriend or general annoying jackass coworker to go to Hades?
We all have those dazed days when we just want to pull the covers over our head and wait for it to get better.
Some call it depression, some call it frustration and some call it a good time to start drinking in the morning.
I call it tired of the Bogus Shananigans of people trying to pull the wool over your eyes. People; like the guy trying to sell you soomething over the phone, or at your door.
The telemarketer who calls right at dinner time or just before you get into your shower/bath.
The boss that asks if you would stay late for the 5th time in a row or work your 6th Saturday shift.
Always promising to pay you back or give you a 3 day weekend.
The coworker who needs your special expertise to do a project, then spends the rest of the evening making dinner plans on the phone!
Have you ever had those days were you feel like you are the only one that read the Manual? What ever the maual is, you read the thing cover to cover in English, Spanish--even Korean?
Yet, you are treated as if you have a glittered nailed thumb in the middle of your forehead!
The endtimes is the exact moment when God calls Bull Shit.
When the collective have that final "aha!" moment,before going to their eternal home. They then proceed to be your friend, seek your alliance or ask for mercy. It's like the porch light went on and they get caught on their behavior.
I try to surround myself with good vibes. I believe that in the end, whatever I surrounded myself in life, I will be surrounded by in afterlife. I want to be able to look God square in the eye, and not have him call Bull Shit!
So enjoy the juice that you serve at the party you host in life, because you will be drinking it forever, wherever you end up.